When you call our office at Amsberry’s Painting to schedule an exterior paint job, the first question that is asked is not the one you’d expect: “Great! When can we start painting?”, nor is it “Do you have your colors picked out yet?”. Rather, the first question asked is one that is a little bit lesser known to the world outside of painting. “Great! When would you like us to schedule your pressure wash?”
Whether you’re a new homeowner or a seasoned one, you probably have questions around how often and when to paint or stain the exterior of your home. How often? What time of year? What product? Why? 
Carpet and paint have never been friends... ever. When I was in college I worked at an art gallery and learned a trick that later saved me days of worry and clean up. One time, one of the artists left our gallery through the back way and she had a gallon of black paint that she was transporting out. We saw her off and then about a minute later she came running in, terrified, because she spilled the entire gallon of paint all over the carpet.