As we head into the holiday season and families gather in homes, you may be finding that you’ve got a few rooms that need to be repainted. Sometimes, the most difficult part of that can be finding the right color. With thousands of color swatches to choose from, the process can be incredibly overwhelming. Today’s post is a quick guide on how you can pick a color for any room in your home.
The Christmas season is one of joy and wonder! It is a time where we gather together with family and friends and celebrate. We give gifts, bake cookies, drink hot cocoa, and remember the most precious gift of all, the birth of Jesus. We hope you enjoy these very merry color palettes inspired by the season of Christmas! 
In a world where the demands of life press on us from all sides, home is meant to be a solace. A retreat, an escape from the rest of the world. It’s more than a place of residence, it’s a place to seek comfort and community with those you love.